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Fishes are caught using the Piranha Drone.

Image Name Size Habitat Region Time Behavior Strength Sell price Omninac ID Description
Aureofish.png Aureofish Small Shallows, Open Water Seaside Nexus, Inanna Falls Day Timid Weak 10 Yengi 5002 This small fish reflects patters of light off its scales. Maybe the lights blind predators?
Leafish.png Leafish Small Shallows, Open Water Nereid Canyon, Seaside Nexus, Farmstead Any time Timid 10 Yengi 5011 Small fish with seaweed camouflage. While aggressive, it hides from larger predators.
Nigirifish.png Nigirifish Medium Shallows, Open Water Nereid Canyon, Seaside Nexus, Inanna Falls Day Timid 10 Yengi 5013 The shape, coloration, and taste of this fish make it ideal for Sushi. It's been ages since Qwerty and I last ordered Sushi...
Prehistorifish.png Prehistorifish Medium Shallows, Depths Seaside Nexus Any time Hunter 25 Yengi 5014 Earth's OGs may have been ended by a meteor, but on other worlds, armored fish similar to the Dinichthys live on.
Shellfish.png Shellfish Small Shallows, Open Water Farmstead, Inanna Falls Any time Stoic 18 Yengi 5015 These small carnivorous fish aren't known for their altruism. It appears to have threaded itself through a shell.
Skyshole.png Skyshole Large Shallows, Open Water Farmstead, Nereid Canyon, Seaside Nexus, Inanna Falls Night Stoic 18 Yengi 5016 It's even bigger than Halibut! When it swims close to the surface, it looks as though there's a hole in the sky's reflection.
Twofin.png Twofin Large Shallows, Open Water Inanna Falls Night Stoic 18 Yengi 5018 This fish looks incredibly dopey. As such, plushies of it are very popular.
Yellowfin.png Yellowfin Medium Shallows, Open Water Seaside Nexus, Inanna Falls Day Timid 18 Yengi 5020 This salmon-sized fish has twin dorsal dins. Its fins are translucent and jewel-like.